Without a doubt, fashion screams politics. It is a voice that makes statements and can actually change something. It is well known that designers make use of such resources. However there is one brand in particular: Weekday. With provocative writing on t-shirts, the brand is aiming to bring awareness to social wrongs, fight against racism and use fashion to motivate people to stand up for something. Politics is for each and every one of us.
The terrible events in Charlottesville have shown once again that white supremacy and Nazis are not a thing of the past. These are things that need to be discussed, just as Weekday believes. Thus the brand created a t-shirt for the collection that stands in for marriage equality, which was just recently legalized in Germany. There are also pieces for Brexit, the 20th anniversary of Lady Diana’s death or even the Paris Agreement.
If you are asking yourself whether these t-shirts actually look good – I can assure you they do. The t-shirts are neither masculine nor feminine but unisex: since they are meant for everybody. Thus Weekday stays true to its minimalist style. It is Weekday’s success formula to connect cool, urban fashion with politics. The label shows that politics actually isn’t dull but can be interesting and modern. Especially younger generations should be interested in social and political themes and that is exactly what Weekday is working towards. With a collection like this, the brand comes into contact with people all over the spectrum and can thus influence them positively. It’s not about persuading people who to vote for or which political party they should support. It’s about clear statements that have nothing left to do with party affiliation. It is about justice, tolerance and acceptance. Fashion is meant to be something beautiful but also exciting and simultaneously polarizing. It is also a tool, which can be rightfully used in a political context. Weekday and their “Zeitgeist 2017” collection encourage us to allow our voices to be heard and to fight for what we believe in. That is what fashion should be. Karim