Hardly any piece of clothing has preoccupied the fashion world in 2017 as much as the Balenciaga Triple S Sneaker. All the highly ambitious Instagram fashionistas seem to own such a pair. From “masterpiece” to “ugly shoe” – everybody has had something to say about the sneaker this past year. However, the shoe has been creating a stir outside of the consumer’s flock: fashion brands such as Gucci, Acne, Vêtements or Adidas have seamlessly joined the trend. The Flow House has gone over with a fine-toothed comb, which clunky silhouettes are still to be expected and whether this fashion hype is soon to be forgotten.
That Louis Vuitton presented their Ugly Sneaker at the women’s Spring/Summer 2018 runway has to mean something. However, they don’t seem to have been created for women alone: Jaden Smith, Will Smith’s son, who is not only known for his music but also his extravagant sense of style, has been combining them brilliantly since they were released.

If you’d rather wear a less statement-bearing shoe, then A.P.C. is the way to go. Although they are following a loud trend, they stick to their minimalist line and will release footwear in three different neutral color combinations.

While some shoes revolving around the Triple S tend to focus on more nostalgic elements, Prada interprets this trend with the “Cloudbursts” from last year or the currently released Nylon Tech Fly Sneaker, which takes on a more futuristic approach.

At the beginning of last November, Dior’s interpretation of the Chunky Sneaker came to light on Kris van Assche’s Instagram profile. At the very latest since rapper and trendsetter A$AP Rocky has been seen wearing these sneakers, it has become quite clear that these shoes would be found in most of fashion enthusiasts’ closets in 2018.

How long these trends will actually last for is not easy to determine. In times where there are brands that offer new collections every week, it is hard to maintain the focus. As far as our Ugly Sneaker is concerned, we can remain eager for further products that are still to come and that’s good. The shoes challenge us to play with silhouettes and forms and thus expand our fashionable horizon. Now that’s something we wouldn’t want to miss out on.