Colors don’t have an expiration date and you shouldn’t limit yourself to one or two, especially not during the warmer seasons. The right mix is what is called for; the combination is what counts and limitations don’t exist – for those who wear color, dress well. Nevertheless, the so-called “pink trend” is extremely popular this year, especially because no other color polarizes just as much as pink has for the past decades. A few years ago it was still known as the “feminist color among colors” and it was frowned upon to wear but now in the year 2017, men can finally openly “dig the color pink”. No wonder it was named “trend color” of the year.
As young boys we are led to believe that our world consists of darker color schemes and that colors such as pink, stand in the way of masculinity. Girls play with pink barbies and boys with black cars. Dior is for women, Adidas for men. Women should please wear skirts and men should put on ties.
Whoever hasn’t noticed the irony in all of this yet, should have realized by now that the pink debate is solely a social construct, which often stands in its own way. Pink has the same right to be acknowledged in the men’s fashion world as any other color. Whoever wears pink nowadays is making a statement and attacking all prejudices. Because men don’t like being stereotyped either.
The fashion industry has finally named pink the color of the year for men. This might have something to do with today’s Instagram generation that isn’t making a secret out of this preference and the modern man, who surely doesn’t like it when his taste in fashion is put into question. The conversation topic should long not be the legitimacy anymore, (whoever believes pink is for girls should probably go ahead and burn those Juventus Turin soccer jerseys then) but much more, how the color should be worn. Here are three of my personal tips:
1. Watch the tone: if you aren’t tan and are trying not to look too pale, it’s worth opting for a subtle pink that’s not too flashy.
2. An all-pink outfit is too much for you to handle? Then try to work with the details and pimp your outfit with a pair of pink socks or a pink t-shirt under a sweater. This can stand out – believe me.
3. Combine pink with darker colors such as black or blue so that the color excels even more and your look is given a clear line. Well now what are you waiting for, Pink Panther? Karim